Exercise and dermatomyositis

Exercise is important for all of us. For me, it may save my life.

The worst symptom of dermatomyositis is muscle weakness. This happens because when you have myositis, anti-inflammatory cells meant for fighting infection attack your muscle cells. Over time, without regular use, your muscles waste away faster than they would in a healthy person.

Exercise is one of the best ways to combat the muscle deterioration caused by dermatomyositis.

This, of course, means I will have to give up my dreams of becoming a fitness model for a Slavic-language bodybuilding magazine or the National Football League’s oldest rookie wide receiver. Similarly, I will no longer be moonlighting as a piano-moving, tuxedo-clad male stripper. Sorry, ladies.

But muscles are not just for opening safety-sealed jars and trying to embody all that is man. You use muscles every time you move, talk, blink, wink, beat, or breathe.

The body’s diaphragm and external intercoastal muscles operate the lungs and help expand and contract our chest cavities. If these become weak, breathing becomes tough. If they get weak enough, you can’t breathe at all.

The heart is also a muscle. If your anti-inflammatory cells begin to attack it, without treatment, your heart would eventually fail. Fortunately, heart involvement in dermatomyositis only occurs in about 10–15 percent of patients. Fortunately for me, my last electrocardiogram revealed no abnormalities.

Exercise is important for all of us.

For me, it may save my life.

To keep my lungs and heart healthy and regain the lost strength in my muscles, they need to be exerted and stressed. They need to continue to break down and rebuild themselves to combat my immune system.

My whole life I have stayed active, so working out adds nothing new to my routine. At times, I lifted weights, ran, or played touch football with friends as many as five days a week. The last several years, I added protein or creatine or other workout supplements to help build muscle and soften the jump over age 30—at which point, almost all men start to see their athletic performance decline.

So I’m ahead of the game. And doing more of the same—exercising, eating well—can only help me for now. Plus, turns out, creatine supplements are a safe, relatively inexpensive way to improve muscle performance and function in dermatomyositis patients.