This is my personal blog sharing my story of overcoming dermatomyositis and thriving in a chaotic, increasingly constricted world.
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loretta I have been diagnose same have same systems still on prednisone the more they try to back me off the more I cant breath. dermatomyositis
Hi Tobin, I wanted to thank you for sharing your entire autoimmune journey online. I have dermatomyositis as well, and there aren’t many resources or blogs that discuss actual experiences- just medications that worked and what symptoms occur. It took me about two and a half years to get a true diagnosis. Anyways, thank you.
ps. Can you tell me how I can subscribe? I wasn’t able to find a link to the rss feed/email list.
I’m sorry you’re also suffering, but I’m thrilled you have found my blog to be helpful.
According to WordPress, there should be an option at the end of each post for you to subscribe, but let me see if I can make it more obvious. Sorry about that!